Adding to the list of admirers of Gautam Gambhir, India's most consistent batsman in recent times, is ex-captain Sourav Ganguly.Ganguly is impressed by the temperament of the Delhi dasher.Gambhir completed his 3000 runs in One-day cricket on Thursday en route to his unbeaten 150 in the fourth match, which helped India seal the five-match series."Gambhir has been improving a lot. Gambhir is a cool headed guy. He has been scoring runs and he is getting them consistently," Ganguly said.Gambhir, Kohli seal series for India
Watching the India-Sri Lanka day night proceedings with wife Dona and daughter Sana from at Eden Gardens, for Ganguly it was for the first time after his international retirement that India played at his home venue.
Asked whether he missed the on-field action, Ganguly said, "Not at all. I am enjoying my life."
A charismatic leader during his time, Ganguly said his retirement decision was correct as the battle of making a comeback and getting dropped again and again was becoming tough.
"It was getting enough. Making a comeback everytime after getting dropped. How many more times would I have fought to make my way into the side? This battle was getting tough."There is a limit to it," he said.
Ganguly also felt that dew played a role in Sri Lanka's defeat, saying," The balls skid as it becomes difficult for bowlers to control the ball. I knew it would be easier to bat second.
Watching the India-Sri Lanka day night proceedings with wife Dona and daughter Sana from at Eden Gardens, for Ganguly it was for the first time after his international retirement that India played at his home venue.
Asked whether he missed the on-field action, Ganguly said, "Not at all. I am enjoying my life."
A charismatic leader during his time, Ganguly said his retirement decision was correct as the battle of making a comeback and getting dropped again and again was becoming tough.
"It was getting enough. Making a comeback everytime after getting dropped. How many more times would I have fought to make my way into the side? This battle was getting tough."There is a limit to it," he said.
Ganguly also felt that dew played a role in Sri Lanka's defeat, saying," The balls skid as it becomes difficult for bowlers to control the ball. I knew it would be easier to bat second.