Cricketer Sourav Ganguly and soccer star Bhaichung Bhutia turned up along with Tollywood star Prosenjit at a photography exhibition by ace lensman Utpaal Sorkkar here at a city hotel.“Save the Untamed” is supported by Bluechip Projects and aims at awakening people about protecting ‘Mother Nature’.“It is speed and action that I have always discovered in sports photography, similarly in animals and birds also I have discovered a certain action and speed and it is this momentum that I have tried to showcase in my photographs,” Utpaal Sorkkar said.The exhibition was inaugurated by two stars from the sporting fields- Saurav Ganguly and Baichung Bhutia.
“It’s a different occasion. I have known him as a sports photographer. But to see such pictures from such a different world is indeed fabulous,” former Indian cricket team captain Saurav Ganguly said.
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