MSC: Manas(Pryant), Farooq, Debkumar, Habibur ( Suman), Maria, Mumtaj, Denson, Cristofar, Hassan, Rafiq, Sourav Ganguly(C)( Joshimar)
1': Match starts. 150 years old Sheffield FC vs 121 years old Mohun Bagan at Salt Lake Stadium.
1': Right sided attack of Bagan but weak crossed by Ashim.
3': Sheffield are in Red jersey and Black shorts
4': Free kick of Sheffield. Rahul Kumar fouled Greg. No Impact in free Kick.
7': Slow match is going on. No score yet.
7': Dipendu of Bagan took a long ranger, went away.
8': Nice attacked by Sheffield. Mathew went through right side and crossed but it was too long, went out.
9': Bagan won a corner through a counter attack.
10': Good corner of Dipendu Duwari of Bagan went out.
12': Mathew Rony attacked from right side but Suman Dutta blocked him
14': Still no score.
16': Kingshuk long ball from right cleared.
18': First corner of Sheffield from right side of Bagan Box. Rabin shot cleared. Again corner of Sheffield opposite side.
19': Sam missed an opportunity with his left footer who got the ball from Mat.
22': Long ranger of Burnsley went direct to Bagan keeper Sangram.
24': Suman Dutta's left footer went direct to Sheffield Keeper Shaun.
27':Match is slow pace. Nice saved by Sangram. Burnsley got a ball from behind and advancing Sangram blocked him well.
28': Free Kick of Bagan. Nazimudin shot cleared by Gavin by a header. Corner for Bagan.
29': Corner of Nazimuddin cleared by Shefield Defence.
30': Jaken to Sumon to Nazimuddin in right but he was ofside.
31': Yellow card to Suman Dutta of Bagan who fouled Ryan.
33': Nazimuddin of Bagan well shoot from right but went away.
34': Bagan is attacking only one striker in upfront.
37': Eye catching football is not playing today. Slow football is going on.
39': 4th corner of Bagan. Nazimuddin corner went out.
40': Nazimuddin well attacked from right. Cleared by corner.
41': Rahul Kumar's corner missed the target.
42': Nice crossed by Ashim from right but no follower of Bagan with him, Ball went out.
43': Matt Rony well effort from right but missed.
44': Nice effort of Ashim, beat two players and his left footer went out.
45': 1 minute more as injury time.
HT: End of First Half. No score.
46: 2nd half started. One change in Sheffield team. Sam out Fox in.
47': Bagan good effort. Satish kumar header missed the target off a right sided cross of Jaken.
48': Counter attack of Shefield. Matt's shot well saved by Sangram.
49': More and more attacked by Sheffield. Another attack of Matt from right and this time Sangram well blocked.
52': Corner for Bagan. Satish kumar's shot cleared by corner.
53': 7th corner of Bagan. No impact .
55': Shefield Well cleared an attack of Bagan.
57': Still the match is goalless. Bagan misused their 8th corner.
58': Bagan missed a scoring opportunity. Santosh Oraw missed. Nice saved by Sheffield Keeper Shaun.
60': Sheffield is now playing slight defencive way. Bagan is attacking more and more. Ashim Biswas offside.
63': 2nd corner of Sheffield in right. Crish shot cleared by Harpreet.
64': Bagan is going to change a player. Souvik is warming up
66': Penalty in favor of Sheffield. Bagan Keeper Sangram and defender Kingshuk's sandwich fouled to Jordon in an one to one situation. Jordon is injured and out of the field.
68': Player changed by Bagan. Jaken out and Souvik in.
70': Saved...Saved... Sangram of Bagan well saved Ashely's spot kick. No Goal.
72': Callum Ward came in place of injured Jordon of Sheffield.
74': Both teams are trying to score. Bagan Keeper Sangram saved Penalty few minutes ago.
75': Souvik to Dipendu in left. Beautiful dribbled by Dipendu. Crossed but no Bagan player in Sheffield Box.
77': Ashim from right got a long ball, his left footer deflected from a defender of Sheffield and out.
78':Yellow card to Sam who fouled Bagan keeper Sangram in an aerial ball.
80': Free kick for Sheffield just out side the Bagan Box. Harpreet fouled Chris.
81': Nice kick of Chris and beautiful saved by Sangram.
85': Bagan Midfielder Snehasish cane in place of Dipendu Dwari.
87': Bagan is fighting with two regular players. Satish Kumar's good effort went away. Corner for Bagan.
89': Souvik Shot well saved by Sheffield Keeper by a corner. Snehasish is going to take the shot.
90': GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ...Ashim Biswas scored for Bagan from corner of Snehasish. 3 minutes added by referee.
90'+2': Bagan is leading 1-0.
90'+3': Nostalgia 1911 when barefooted Mohun Bagan players beat East York Shire Regiment to win IFA Shield.
90'+3': Match End. Mohun Bagan win against Sheffield FC.