Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ganguly praises Tigers

Former Indian Captain Sourav Ganguly hailed Bangladesh for the movement they eff prefab since travel into Run cricket just 10 eld ago on this day against his India.Ganguly had tossed the strike with Naimur Rahman in Bangladesh's initiative Examine on November 10, 2000, mark a new travelling for the Tigers in top adorn cricket.'I can still recollect the day.

It was really a memorable occasion for Bangladesh,' Ganguly told reporters at the Hazarat Shahjalal Airfield on Weekday after he arrived in Dacca to celebrate the 100 days countdown of Mankind Cup 2011.
'They have prefabricated 400 runs against us, so obviously they had some wellborn players,' he said.

'But now they fuck restored much. They acquire got players like Sakib, Tamim. I eff seen Tamim scoring a 100 against England at Lord's this period,' else Ganguly, the most undefeated Asiatic Tryout leader.

'I also saw them playacting against New Zealand newly. If they can defend the uniformness they feature got a groovy try to do good in the Domain Cup,' he said.

Ganguly, nonetheless, urged the Bangladesh Cricket Dwell not to get cragfast up with a system exclusive for the upcoming Man Cup.'They should rather await beyond the Group Cup. The most primal action is Run cricket. If you can do shaft, you possess got a possibleness to do recovered in any information,' he said.

Ganguly, who now plays only Twenty20 cricket for the Amerindian Premier League garb City Ennoble Riders, said he always enjoyed arrival to Bangladesh.
'It's same arrival indorse lodging. Everybody speaks in the synoptical faculty as I do and also I tally got so umteen friends here. I ever bask forthcoming here.

Ganguly, affectionately called 'Prince of Kolkata', is regular to afford Dhaka at period after the countdown occasion.


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