Monday, November 8, 2010

Sourav recalls Ray as a ‘pillar of strength’

Calcutta: Sourav Ganguly mourned the demise of Siddhartha Shankar Ray and said that he would never forget the previous principal minister's language, which he made after the sometime Bharat captain's retirement from global cricket.

"I am extremely saddened to see most the demise of Shri Siddhartha Shankar Ray. He has not exclusive been the ex-chief rector of Bengal and a renowned professional, but also someone who has been actively active in sports," Sourav said.

"Throughout my cricketing career I feature had stock interaction and meetings with the man. He was a booster of capableness and faithful publication of encouragement during one of my sticky present.

"His reproof after my withdrawal instrument rest in my spirit for a longstanding, lank example. I pray that his feeling rests in accord and communicate my object and heart to his partner and the family," Sourav other.

In 2004, Ray was Sourav's counselor and successfully defended him against Couple Critique Solon Lloyd's two-Test ban on the then India officer.

Ray was also a sometime chairperson of the Cricket Relationship of Bengal (CAB) and his body was brought to the association's premises on Dominicus.

Jagmohan Dalmiya, the CAB presidency, along with additional office-bearers postpaid their parting respects to the man who had a intense pursuit in cricket.

The Bengal cricketers, who were practising at the Paradise, also paying their homage to Ray.

"It is manifestly a big going for us… He was our quaker and always helped us whenever we were in a juristic twist. His valued advice helped us on umpteen occasions," said Dalmiya.

The CAB give hold a acknowledgment convergence on November 14, at the Nirvana, and the offices instrument stay blinking till Tues as a characterize of respect.


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